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NVC Resources on Mediation

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  1. Change Your Response to Conflict — Change Your Life

    Change Your Response to Conflict — Change Your Life

    (4 Session Course)

    Ike Lasater, John Kinyon

    Multi-session Course · 5 hours, 12 minutes · 5/14/2017

    Listen to this introductory 4-session Mediate Your Life telecourse recording to change your response to conflict and change your life.

  2. NVC Life Hacks 32

    NVC Life Hacks 32

    Mediation in a Formal Setting

    Shantigarbha Warren

    Video · 15 minutes · 11/08/2022

    Mediation is a great skill to have whether it's for your personal relationships or in the workplace. We look at four different techniques and their benefits in a role-play between two neighbours discussing a dispute.

  3. NVC Life Hacks 33

    NVC Life Hacks 33

    Mediation in an Informal Setting

    Shantigarbha Warren

    Video · 13 minutes · 12/08/2022

    Mediation is a great skill to have whether it's for your personal relationships or in the workplace. We look at four different techniques and their benefits in a role-play that takes place in an informal, unorganised setting.

  4. The Heart of Conflict

    The Heart of Conflict

    (6 Session Course)

    Jim & Jori Manske

    Multi-session Course · 8 hour, 50 minutes · 7/18/2018

    Join CNVC Certified Trainers and Mediators Jori and Jim Manske in an exploration of using Nonviolent Communication in the context of Mediation and Conflict Resolution.

  5. Healing and Reconciliation

    Healing and Reconciliation

    (7 Session Course)

    Ike Lasater, John Kinyon

    Multi-session Course · 7 - 9 hours · 5/21/2019

    Old emotional hurts and pains can easily erupt when you’re in the throes of conflict – even if you’re the mediator. Wouldn’t it be lovely if you could avoid all of that, and instead create more peace and happiness for yourself, your family, your co-workers and your community?

  6. Bringing Peace to Kids in Conflict

    Bringing Peace to Kids in Conflict

    (6 Session Course)

    John Kinyon, Stephanie Bachmann Mattei

    Multi-session Course · 9 -12 hours · 7/16/2017

    This 6-session telecourse recording focuses on supporting people who work with children (e.g. parents, teachers, ministers, etc.) in applying the skills of NVC mediation in conflict situations that involve children.

  7. Parenting and Anger

    Parenting and Anger

    Walking the Ultimate Path to Peace (5 Session Course)

    John Kinyon, Stephanie Bachmann Mattei

    Multi-session Course · 6 - 8 hours · 2/25/2021

    John and Stephanie combine mediating conflict, parenting and study of brain science to this ground-breaking course recording on how to funnel your anger and your child’s anger toward mutual caring and peace.

  8. Inner Maps of Conflict

    Inner Maps of Conflict

    John Kinyon

    Audio · 9 minutes · 7/28/2010

    In this brief audio segment, John Kinyon offers a guided tour of our inner maps of conflict, including interpersonal mediation, chooser/educator, enemy images and making amends maps.

  9. Listen to John talk about the inner and outer mediation process, the importance of the "3rd chair," and an experience of working with Pakistani elders.

  10. Navigating Conflict

    Navigating Conflict

    (6 Session Course)

    Jim & Jori Manske

    Multi-session Course · 6 - 9 hours · 9/25/2019

    Join veteran Mediators and Facilitators, Jori and Jim Manske in using Nonviolent Communication and mediation skills for transforming conflict into connection between yourself and others.

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