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NVC Resources on Relationships

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  1. Relationship repair means building connection and care after disconnect and unmet needs. It requires intention to connect and take responsibility for your behavior by naming what didn’t work, offering empathy, and making a plan to do something differently next time. When you have enough empathy to find care and curiosity for them, reflect the other person's observation, thoughts, feelings, needs and requests. Focus on this more than on details of the event.

  2. Please listen as we discuss and grapple with the issues of growing polarization in our world, political structures and personal relationships.

  3. Miki Kashtan hosts Living Room Radio Show on KPFA Radio 94.1FM in Berkeley, California, USA. Listen as she works with a mother who is experiencing a strained relationship with her recently married daughter after a verbal “attack” from the daughter. Miki guides the caller to connect with her feelings of fear and her needs for ease of connection, and to further connect with her daughter’s needs.

  4. How I Changed My Relationship to Time

    How I Changed My Relationship to Time

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 8 - 12 minutes · 11/23/2019

    What would happen if you considered that time is a concept, and that it doesn't rule your life? What would it mean to make all choices based on needs and not on time? Do you obey the external rhythm of the clock over and above the internal rhythm of your life energy? This is an invitation into more responsibility, awareness, honesty, choice and freedom.

  5. Integrating Our Relationship To Gratitude And Mourning

    Integrating Our Relationship To Gratitude And Mourning

    Robert Gonzales

    Practice Exercises · 3 - 5 minutes · 4/7/2022

    Integrating a full living involves grief/mourning and gratitude. Here we'll more deeply integrate inner and outer dimensions of gratitude and grief. In any experience there's the outer aspect, an event that occurs in life. And there's the inner response to the outer event. When we judge the outer positively or negatively we're in tension or resistance to our experience. Here we'll explore a more integrated mode of experiencing.

  6. A Positive Relationship With Reactivity

    A Positive Relationship With Reactivity

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 4 - 6 minutes · 4/22/2022

    With practice we can prevent reactivity from overtaking and harming: notice signs of reactivity, bring compassion to it, see reactivity as the misperception of threat and a distortion of what's happening, plus engage and pursue connection and the clarity to weaken reactive impulses. In taking responsibility like this overtime, you can live from your values and from care. And life can get easier for you and others around you.

  7. Changing A One-Way Caretaking Relationship

    Changing A One-Way Caretaking Relationship

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 5 - 8 minutes · 10/24/2022

    Notice situations where you're attending to another and giving up on your needs with resentment or a sense of submitting. You can also watch for “shoulds,” obligation, and black-and-white thinking around the support you offer. Is there a sense that if you don't carry out a particular action something bad will happen? If so, identify the needs at hand and brainstorm a variety of strategies to meet them.

  8. Tips for the Road Series Tip 23

    Tips for the Road Series Tip 23

    Resources for Building Successful Relationships

    Eric Bowers

    Trainer Tips · 5 - 8 minutes · 8/29/2018

    Eric offers us a list of some of his favorite books, articles, and videos related to building successful relationships.

  9. Truth as an Act of Love

    Truth as an Act of Love

    Kelly Bryson

    Audio · 2 hours, 14 minutes · 7/28/2010

    Speaking the truth creates congruence, which creates trust, facilitating understanding and cooperation. Without truth there is no growth in our relationships and community. If this is true, then what keeps us from speaking our truth?

  10. The Apology

    The Apology

    Brussel Sprouts for the Relationship

    Lore Baur

    Video · 1 hour, 1 minute · 11/16/2019

    How do you repair a relationship when your words or actions unintentionally impact another in a negative way? And what keeps you from apologizing? Join Lore to explore – and answer – these questions and more!

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