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  1. Responding to Criticism

    Responding to Criticism

    At Work and At Home

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Articles · 7 - 11 minutes · 9/24/2019

    In general, criticism is a reactive response discomfort. When someone criticizes, they are not yet able or willing take responsibility for their needs. All criticism is a tragic expression of feelings and unmet needs. When you meet that criticism skillfully you not only care for yourself, you can facilitate clarity, and constructive communication, about what the other person is truly asking for.

  2. Connected Decision Making

    Connected Decision Making

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Articles · 2 - 3 minutes · 9/6/2019

    If you're stuck when making a decision with someone, it's likely that you've skipped hearing and connecting to one another's needs. Slow down and listen for what's really important underneath the content. This allows you to make decisions that are more fulfilling and harmonious.

  3. For each reactive pattern there is a perceived threat to a tender need. Knowing these tender needs helps us figure out how to interrupt these patterns and creating new ways of perceiving and relating to life. In addition to knowing the need, knowing the healing response and the primary reactive behavior helps with transformation.

  4. Overcoming Defensiveness

    Overcoming Defensiveness

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 5 - 7 minutes · 9/30/2019

    A big part of why receiving feedback is so challenging is because so few people around us know how to give feedback untainted with criticism, judgment, or our personal upset. But, if we wait for others to offer us usable, digestible, manageable feedback, we will not likely receive sufficient feedback for our growth and learning. Instead, we can grow in our capacity to fish the pearl that’s buried within. Here are three specific suggestions for how.

  5. Preparing for Difficult Dialogue

    Preparing for Difficult Dialogue

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Articles · 3 - 5 minutes · 10/3/2019

    Effective and connected dialogue requires significant self-awareness, mindfulness, and skill. You can focus on any of these six areas that most often escape your awareness: anchoring and staying grounded; boundaries; thoughts and beliefs; stuckness or attachment; feelings and needs; and requests. Read on for a list of questions to help you focus on how to do that.

  6. How to Invite Shared Vulnerability

    How to Invite Shared Vulnerability

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Articles · 3 - 4 minutes · 10/18/2019

    Shared vulnerability can build more intimacy, mutuality, being seen and heard, empathy, or community. Inviting shared vulnerability means earning another’s trust that you can consistently offer attentive, curious, and compassionate listening. Here are four strategies to invite shared vulnerability.

  7. Empathy vs. Investigation

    Empathy vs. Investigation

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Articles · 4 - 6 minutes · 12/29/2019

    To tell the difference between empathy and investigation, watch for distinctions along four different dimensions: energy, subject, intention and trust. These distinctions can help us engage awareness and skill to meet your needs and respond to others’ needs in more direct ways. The more you meet your needs in conscious and direct ways, the more present you can be for others. Read on for more about how to do this.

  8. Being Resourceful With My Intense Emotions

    Being Resourceful With My Intense Emotions

    Jori Manske

    Trainer Tips · 2 - 3 minutes · 3/18/2020

    What can we do to bring vitality and resourcefulness back into our lives when we are feeling overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, or frustrated? Read on for a nine step process.

  9. In the face of stress you can find ways to be present for what’s happening, rather than being pulled or pushed around by anxious thoughts or fearful feelings. Here are some strategies to return to and maintain expanded awareness.

  10. Transforming Society Through Organizations

    Transforming Society Through Organizations

    Dian Killian

    Articles · 6 - 9 minutes · 09/18/2021

    When we apply and practice NVC over a number of months in an organization, it can create group norms that make learning go deep faster. These new norms can impact people's interactions with others both inside and outside of work. From here, there's potential for people to start seeing value when they share these skills and experiences. This may create a ripple effect of interest in applying NVC across different domains in life.

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