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NVC Resources on Feelings

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  1. This is an opportunity to explore/transform a limiting belief you have about yourself using what science is discovering about neurobiology. A limiting belief is simply an idea or thought we have about ourselves/life that we or others have affirmed over and over again – these ideas usually get in the way of living life fully.

  2. Change Your Response to Conflict — Change Your Life

    Change Your Response to Conflict — Change Your Life

    (4 Session Course)

    Ike Lasater, John Kinyon

    Multi-session Course · 5 hours, 12 minutes · 5/14/2017

    Listen to this introductory 4-session Mediate Your Life telecourse recording to change your response to conflict and change your life.

  3. Join Mary Mackenzie, Certified NVC trainer, as she offers ways to incorporate NVC empathy guesses, feelings and needs into everyday conversations. This approach is geared towards adding deeper connection to the natural flow of conversations. The technique has become known as Street Giraffe.

  4. Laughter, IPNB and Empathy

    Laughter, IPNB and Empathy

    Sarah Peyton

    Articles · 3 - 5 minutes · 3/9/2019

    Sometimes even a very skilled empathy practicitioner can go into offering a non-empathic response, even when asked for empathy.  Why?  One reason could be that our brains might be less receptive because of unseen forces that affect our brain and relationship with others.  This article speaks to the deeper "why" and also to one thing we could do to turn it around...

  5. Parenting With A Focus On The Long-Term Goal

    Parenting With A Focus On The Long-Term Goal

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 1/23/2023

    Trainer Tip: Notice when you're tempted to wield physical, emotional, and intellectual power to get your children to do what you want. This coercion or force may bring short term ease, but long term it can be counterproductive. Ask yourself “What do I want my child to do?” and “What do I want my child’s reasons for doing it to be?”. Then consider ways to help them connect to their intrinsic motivation for doing it.

  6. Your Inner Leader

    Your Inner Leader

    Eric Bowers

    Trainer Tips · 2 - 3 minutes · 3/4/2019

    When building successful relationships, it can be very helpful to see yourself as a collection of different inner parts that developed due to various life experiences. Without empathy and acknowledgment, our inner parts tend to work against us. That's when we're called upon to build and develop our inner leadership...

  7. New Year's Revolutions - For a Change

    New Year's Revolutions - For a Change

    Jori Manske

    Trainer Tips · 2 - 3 minutes · 1/7/2020

    Here's a four step exercise applying a needs-based approach to effective goals, habits and New Year's Resolutions.

  8. Trauma and Sanctuary

    Trauma and Sanctuary

    Bob Wentworth

    Articles · 3 - 5 minutes · 2/23/2020

    One clue we have trauma is when we respond in a way we don't want (eg. being reactive, self sabotaging, etc). Even when we have high level NVC skills our trauma-related mechanisms can activate, and we can lose access to well honed NVC skills. Read on for approaches that involve healing trauma, and approaches that involve managing the effects of trauma and preventing additional trauma.

  9. The Mobilizing Power of Anger

    The Mobilizing Power of Anger

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Articles · 3 - 5 minutes · 8/31/2020

    Anger can result in violence or in a movement towards positive change. We can see this happen in the push for racial justice. When you perceive anger as a form of violence your nervous system becomes activated. Your perspective narrows and old conditioning can take over leading to overwhelm, defensiveness, hatred, or violence. Read on for four ways to to respond to our own or others' anger in a way that mobilizes desired change.

  10. Let's look at the resources, awareness, and skills needed to ask for emotional attunement, celebration, relatedness, perspective, understanding, advice, and information. This includes expressing appreciation for what's supporting your needs, strengthening a sense of worthiness, and awareness of your reactivity and intention. Plus, making requests that are clear, specific, doable and creates a heart connection with others.

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