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NVC Resources with Miki Kashtan

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  1. Interdependence in Action

    Interdependence in Action

    How to Change Agreements with Care

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 13 - 19 minutes · 3/15/2019

    The awareness and practice of interdependence is integral to holding an NVC consciousness. Practicing interdependence also means bringing in a quality of care in the moments we want to change agreements with others. This article talks about where our various choices, in regards to changing agreements, fits into different levels of engaging our interdependence.

  2. I love the insights, resources, and inspiration I get from this course. It gives you a glimpse into the support Miki offers around deepening the practice of nonviolence in thought, word, and action.
    —Lore Baur, NVCA Course Coordinator, CNVC Certified Trainer.

    Miki is sharing what that means "Responding to the Call of our Time" for her and invites us to feel that call. This video illustrates how she is helping participants through teaching, coaching and mentoring so they can move forward with their challenges.

  3. Dialogue with Extended Family

    Dialogue with Extended Family

    Miki Kashtan

    Audio · 1 hour, 14 minutes · 11/30/2018

    Many families are far more complex and varied than they used to be. In this recording, Miki works with participants, focusing on specific challenges they’re facing with family members. Listen In.

  4. Holding the Group's Needs

    Holding the Group's Needs

    Miki Kashtan

    Video · 2 minutes · 07/24/2018

    CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan shares a tip on holding a group's needs while empathizing with a single person in the group.

  5. Developing Empathic Presence

    Developing Empathic Presence

    Miki Kashtan

    Video · 4 minutes · 06/07/2011

    CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan guides a participant to find his inner empathic presence.

  6. Empathy vs. Sympathy

    Empathy vs. Sympathy

    Miki Kashtan

    Video · 3 minutes · 06/07/2011

    CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan clarifies the distinction between empathy and sympathy.

  7. Finding Our Authentic Expression

    Finding Our Authentic Expression

    Miki Kashtan

    Video · 8 minutes · 06/07/2011

    CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan offers 3 steps we can take to access and express our deepest authentic expression.

  8. Accepting What Is

    Accepting What Is

    Miki Kashtan

    Video · 6 minutes · 06/07/2011

    CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains how naturalizing NVC language involves self care and begins with accepting what is true in the moment.

  9. Can NVC Be Taught Without Using OFNR?

    Can NVC Be Taught Without Using OFNR?

    Miki Kashtan

    Video · 2 minutes · 06/07/2011

    CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains has developed a path to teaching NVC without relying on OFNR: Principle-based Teaching.

  10. Contextualizing the NVC Process

    Contextualizing the NVC Process

    Miki Kashtan

    Video · 4 minutes · 03/16/2018

    CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains how NVC's OFNR process is a tool to train our consciousness, rather than the "correct" way to speak.

  11. CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan discusses how focusing on connection and care can guide us in expressing honestly and offering empathy.

  12. From Obedience and Shame to Freedom and Belonging

    From Obedience and Shame to Freedom and Belonging

    Transforming Patriarchal Paradigms of Child-Rearing in the Age of Global Warming

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 45 - 60 minutes · 2/12/2018

    What will it take to reclaim our fundamental relatedness with all things alive, surrender our attempts to control nature, and find a way of living that averts or mitigates the worst possible catastrophes awaiting us while it's still possible?

  13. Overcoming Patriarchy 5-7-2017

    Overcoming Patriarchy 5-7-2017

    Miki Kashtan

    Audio · 1 hour, 12 minutes · 2/11/2018

    The focus on patriarchy emerges from the understanding that patriarchy plays a foundational role in everything. Yes, I mean it: everything. Patriarchy is not the same as sexism; patriarchy is to sexism very much what structural racism is to (interpersonal) racism: it's a system that runs independently of any one person's attitudes or behaviors. Join Miki for her first in a series of discussions on patriarchy.

  14. Principle Based Approach to Teaching NVC Basics

    Principle Based Approach to Teaching NVC Basics

    Miki Kashtan

    Video · 1 hour, 17 minutes · 12/18/2017

    It’s one thing to share NVC with those who’re interested, but what about those who aren’t? How does meeting someone where they are create space for learning, and help you find a pathway forward? Miki Answers this and more.

  15. Principle Based Teaching

    Principle Based Teaching

    (6 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 7 - 10 hours · 1/17/2018

    The focus of this 6-session class is on shifting the intention of your teaching from how to why while embodying the principles and practice of NVC every step of the way - from planning to delivery. The methodology Miki offers is to start with understanding what the people in your audience face in their environment, continue with what they might want to learn and how NVC principles can provide them with what they want, and end with how you can frame the principles in a language and context that speak to your audience’s familiar experience. 

  16. Giraffe Fighting: Having Your Cake and Eating It Too (2 Session Course)

    Giraffe Fighting: Having Your Cake and Eating It Too (2 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 2 hours, 35 minutes · 1/17/2018

    Do you find yourself giving in with growing resentment? Do you avoid conflict and explode later without apparent reason?  Miki Kashtan, a world-renowned CNVC Certified Trainer, invites you to listen to this two-session telecourse recording to re-imagine and fine tune your skills at dealing with disagreements and negotiations.

  17. Peace Starts At Home

    Peace Starts At Home

    (6 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 6 hours, 13 minutes · 11/4/2017

    Through your dialogues at home, where the stakes are often very high, you can increase your ability to meet the challenges of life everywhere with empathy, goodwill and authenticity. Please listen to this inspiring recorded telecourse with Miki Kashtan and learn how!

  18. Creating the Life You Want With Powerful Requests

    Creating the Life You Want With Powerful Requests

    (5 Session Course)

    Miki Kashtan

    Multi-session Course · 5 hours, 11 minutes · 8/7/2017

    In this telecourse recording, expert trainer Miki Kashtan will help you uncover what prevents you from making requests for everything you want without fear. The class includes daily practices for requests skill building.

  19. You Sound Like a Therapist!

    You Sound Like a Therapist!

    Miki Kashtan

    Video · 6 minutes · 06/07/2011

    CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains how using OFNR or "Classic NVC" is for practice, not real life situations.

  20. Listen as Miki works with participants. Topics: how small requests serve interdependence; NVC process vs purpose; how to respond when empathy is used to create distance; coping with verbal aggression, and more!

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