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NVC Resources on Core Beliefs

  1. Core Beliefs and Gratitude Exercise

    Core Beliefs and Gratitude Exercise

    Kathleen Macferran

    Practice Exercises · 2 pages · 3/29/2011

    Some of my core beliefs make experiencing gratitude difficult . For example, it’s difficult to celebrate others or myself when I think I have to prove my worth in order to be accepted. So much energy goes into proving myself, there’s little left for celebration.

  2. In this recorded telecourse, John Kinyon, world renowned CNVC Certified Trainer, guides you through processes to strengthen your capacity for mindful presence and awareness of your thinking, and to develop the skills to translate thoughts into observations.

  3. This is an opportunity to explore/transform a limiting belief you have about yourself using what science is discovering about neurobiology. A limiting belief is simply an idea or thought we have about ourselves/life that we or others have affirmed over and over again – these ideas usually get in the way of living life fully.

  4. CNVC Certified Trainer Anne Walton leads us through a guided visualization to help us make a shift in ideas we hold about ourselves. (Edited and Updated 10/6/2019)

  5. Enjoy listening in as Arnina assists participants in fine tuning what they wish for their futures, and what practices they intend to embrace as the course winds down. She also offers strategies for what they can do if they forget their intended practice, and revisits the importance of untangling Needs from Core Belief.

  6. The Compass – Arnina Kashtan's in-depth transformational process – is specifically designed to support you in reliably deepening your understanding of your own and others' conditioning, and finding ways to reclaim your full connection with yourself.

  7. The Embodied Spirituality of Nonviolent Communication

    The Embodied Spirituality of Nonviolent Communication

    (5 session course)

    Robert Gonzales

    Video · 4 - 5 hours · 5/27/2024

    “The Embodied Spirituality of Nonviolent Communication” is an introduction to NVC created from recordings of trainings Robert Gonzales offered in Hawaii in 2007 on the islands of Maui and Kauai. 

    This collection is a celebration of Robert's life and one way we can honor his outstanding work.

    The original product was a set of DVDs. NVC Academy has converted the original 3 DVD set into 5 mp4 videos. We have taken care to preserve the original product while simultaneously upgrading to HD video and remastering the audio in this new mp4 format.

  8. Living the Self-in-Life

    Living the Self-in-Life

    Presence and Self-Compassion

    Robert Gonzales

    Audio · 30 minutes · 10/1/2016

    During this very moving session, you'll dive into Robert's exercises for supporting connection to your true self as opposed to your conditioned self.

  9. "I'm Not Good Enough" and Other Leadership Myths

    "I'm Not Good Enough" and Other Leadership Myths

    Roxy Manning

    Articles · 7 - 11 minutes · 11/27/2018

    Do you yearn to step forward in leadership, but know you're holding back? Clinical psychologist, organizational consultant, and speaker, Roxy Manning, PhD, shows us that more than external factors, its our internal beliefs and fears that provide the main barrier to moving forward.  She does this by taking us through three myths of leadership, and weaves in anecdotes to illustrate how tapping our unique (often lesser recognized) qualities, can be the way forward we've been seeking. Learn ways to move forward, even if at first it appears that (1.) others can "do it better", (2.) you need to be more prepared, or even if (3.) the material you're conveying isn't so original (and has been used many times).

  10. Vulnerability as a Spiritual Path

    Vulnerability as a Spiritual Path

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 5 - 7 minutes · 7/28/2010

    What is a good baby? If you have been raised in a Western culture, chances are you know the answer right away (whether or not you agree with it). A good baby is one that doesn't cry! The training against vulnerability starts very early in life.

Results 1 - 10 of 29
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