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NVC Resources on Protective Use of Force

  1. Protective Use of Force

    Protective Use of Force

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 7/13/2014

    Trainer Tip: Mary explains the NVC principle known as the "protective use of force."

  2. Protective Use of Force with Children

    Protective Use of Force with Children

    Godfrey Spencer

    Trainer Tips · 9 minutes · 7/28/2010

    Ask the Trainer: Can you help me connect with my needs behind the protective use of force I use with my children?

  3. Ask the Trainer: For many years I have been using crime and punishment (reward and consequences) to discipline because it was the only thing I knew. I knew deep in my heart it was alienating me...

  4. Protective Vs. Punitive Use Of Force

    Protective Vs. Punitive Use Of Force

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 1/14/2023

    Trainer Tip: Punitive use of force stems from a belief that people behave in certain ways because they're bad, and that they need to be punished to mend their ways. One way to punish is to judge them. In contrast, protective use of force stems from a desire to prevent injury or injustice. It focuses on protecting people’s rights and well-being, not judging their behavior.

  5. Is Nonviolent Use of Force an Oxymoron?

    Is Nonviolent Use of Force an Oxymoron?

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 37 - 56 minutes · 11/28/2020

    What do we actually mean by “use of force” and what counts as such? Here's a template that will be unpacked in this article: "Use of force is consistent with nonviolence to the extent that we use the least amount of force possible, with the most love possible, aiming at (re)creating conditions for dialogue; that we make the choice using as much nonreactive discernment as possible, with as much support for the choice as possible, and while mourning not seeing another way to respond to a situation in which vital needs are at stake except to use force". Read on for more.

  6. Punitive Use of Force

    Punitive Use of Force

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 7/10/2019

    Trainer Tip: What is motivating your (in)actions? Are you doing something in the name of supporting deeper heartfelt needs, free of judgement or blame? Or are you bringing in consequences based on viewing the other person as having "bad behaviour"?

  7. NVC Tools

    NVC Tools

    Observations, Feelings, Needs and Requests

    Wes Taylor

    Video · 28 minutes · 09/05/2010

    In this introduction to Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Wes Taylor discusses the two basic aspects of NVC, the consciousness and the tools that help manifest the consciousness.

  8. Key Assumptions and Intentions of NVC

    Key Assumptions and Intentions of NVC

    Inbal Kashtan, Miki Kashtan

    Learning Tools · 8 - 10 minutesd · 7/29/2010

    NVC practice is based on several key assumptions and intentions. When we live based on these assumptions and intentions, self-connection and connection with others become increasingly possible and easy, helping us contribute to a world where everyone’s needs are attended to peacefully.
  9. Veteran CNVC Certified Trainer, Sylvia Haskvitz, reviews the key distinctions (sometimes referred to as the key differentiations) in Nonviolent Communication.

  10. By focusing on NVC process and practice without factoring in the interdependent, systemic dimension we unwittingly diminish the power of NVC. We reinforce the dominant paradigm, rather than challenging it -- making NVC one more tool for compliance. NVC principles can turn against its own purpose in cruel ways. NVC could also empower social change. We'll need our attention on this matter if we are to contribute to transforming the oppression we face and our collective march towards extinction.

Results 1 - 10 of 18
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