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NVC Resources on Responsibility

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  1. What’s Important to You?

    What’s Important to You?

    Penny Wassman

    Practice Exercises · 2 pages · 7/29/2010

    This exercise is most often the first activity in a beginning level workshop after the usual logistics/history/check-in. Penny Wassman experiences it as an opportunity for people to build connection with one another.

  2. How to Express Feelings

    How to Express Feelings

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 1 - 2 minutes · 12/22/2020

    Trainer tip: Feelings of hurt, anger, fear, and resentment can often sound alike. Fear and excitement have the same physiological effects on us, and are often expressed in the same body language. Clearly and specifically naming our emotions and the intensity level can help us resolve conflicts, with a much greater opportunity to get our needs met.

  3. Life-Alienating Communication

    Life-Alienating Communication

    Mary Mackenzie

    Trainer Tips · 2 - 3 minutes · 1/6/2021

    Trainer tip: Be aware of times when you are judging others, demanding, making comparisons, or denying responsibility for your actions. Notice how these communication patterns affect your connection with other people.

  4. How I Changed My Relationship to Time

    How I Changed My Relationship to Time

    Miki Kashtan

    Articles · 8 - 12 minutes · 11/23/2019

    What would happen if you considered that time is a concept, and that it doesn't rule your life? What would it mean to make all choices based on needs and not on time? Do you obey the external rhythm of the clock over and above the internal rhythm of your life energy? This is an invitation into more responsibility, awareness, honesty, choice and freedom.

  5. A Positive Relationship With Reactivity

    A Positive Relationship With Reactivity

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 4 - 6 minutes · 4/22/2022

    With practice we can prevent reactivity from overtaking and harming: notice signs of reactivity, bring compassion to it, see reactivity as the misperception of threat and a distortion of what's happening, plus engage and pursue connection and the clarity to weaken reactive impulses. In taking responsibility like this overtime, you can live from your values and from care. And life can get easier for you and others around you.

  6. The Nature of Your Reactions

    The Nature of Your Reactions

    Robert Gonzales

    Video · 3 minutes · 04/22/2022

    Responding to your own reactivity is an inside job. Robert reveals how your reactions are often a secondary reaction to a triggering stimulus, and that accepting responsibility for your reactions can lead to less blame and more inner peace.

  7. The Basics of Life-Serving Boundaries

    The Basics of Life-Serving Boundaries

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 4 - 6 minutes · 11/26/2022

    Setting boundaries takes being firmly grounded in self-respect and clear about what works for you. This means making conscious choices about how you relate to another or behave in a situation. Such clarity allows you to put your attention and energy where you want it to go. Thus we can have care and compassion without taking responsibility for others, nor feeling guilty when we say “no”. This takes awareness, skills, practice, healing and compassion.

  8. How to Create a “Living” Organization

    How to Create a “Living” Organization

    Gregg Kendrick

    Audio · 1 hour, 5 minutes · 7/1/2016

    Listen to this interview with Gregg Kendrick and one of his clients to learn how to successfully introduce NVC into an organization that is unfamiliar with the concept. Gregg’s client, Dale Neikirk, will be sharing how NVC has supported and improved the results of his insurance company, through Gregg’s masterly facilitation.

  9. Healthy Differentiation

    Healthy Differentiation

    Learning To Be Your Authentic Self

    LaShelle Lowe-Chardé

    Practice Exercises · 6 - 9 minutes · 10/15/2022

    Healthy differentiation is key to personal growth, learning and thriving relationships. When healthy differentiation is present, you can discern what's true for you and what you are and aren't responsible for in an interaction, and can be fully who you are in the presence of others. There are a number of ways you can become aware of and cultivate healthy differentiation. Let’s look at two here: self-connection and autonomy.

  10. Awareness of how we're holding our own and others' needs is important to our development. In learning to value needs, we often go through three stages: passive, aggressive/obnoxious, and assertive/mutual. As we learn and grow, we may relate to the following differently: Whose feelings and needs are important, who is responsible for what, how our choices impact others, and consideration for ourselves and others.

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