NVC Resources on Strategies
Join Dian Killian as she reframes the 4 steps of NVC (observations, feelings, needs, requests) into everyday words you might hear at work.
Managing Collaboratively
New, Empowered Ways to Get Things Done
Enjoy Dian's overview of the 4-step model and its application to the workplace. Learn how NVC can help you: generate intrinsic motivation… discover creative solutions… create greater accountability and buy-in…reinforce behaviors you like and change others… and experience a LOT more fun, joy and aliveness at work!
Celebrate love with Rodger Sorrow! Listen in as Rodger discusses a range of topics such as defining love, religion and love, and how to handle unloving responses.
On Self-Empathy
An Exploration of Connecting to our Needs
What is self-empathy? Mary Mackenzie leads you on an exploration of self-empathy through an exercise that will show you how you can easily connect more deeply with your needs.
Delve into the power of forgiveness with Rodger Sorrow! Listen in as Rodger explores 3 areas: asking for forgiveness, when it's hard to forgive, and forgiving ourselves.
Join Jori and Jim Manske to explore, learn and practice the art of receiving the word "no," re-framing it from fear into fun.
Join Jori and Jim Manske to explore, learn and practice an NVC approach to mourning and celebration.
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan shares how Marshall Rosenberg helped her see how unacknowledged fear can be misinterpreted as aggression and offers an elegant and simple strategy for changing this dynamic.
CNVC Certified Trainer Miki Kashtan explains how using OFNR or "Classic NVC" is for practice, not real life situations.
David explores how movement helps you hold your center when navigating challenging conversations. Example: Move to Wind ~ to calm your system; Move to Ground ~ to notice the ground on which you stand; and Step to Shikaku ~ step behind to practice empathic listening. Listen Now.