Peaceful Living Blog

with Mary Mackenzie

"Focus on bringing peace into your own life, and your shift in consciousness will reverberate throught the world."
— Mary Mackenzie

NVC Academy Co-Founder and CEO Mary Mackenzie shares her thoughts monthly in our Growing Roots newsletter. Read and enjoy Mary's current and past blog posts from her deep experience as a CNVC Certified Trainer for more than 20 years.

Unlock Your Authentic Voice

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Dear friends,


This has been on my mind lately. What does it mean to unlock my authentic voice? How do I talk about things that matter to me without creating emotional distance between myself and others? I’ve found this especially challenging after the US presidential election this month— half the voters are devastated by Donald Trump’s election, and the other half are elated. The extremes are vast. Sometimes imagining a coming-together feels hopeless. 

Yesterday, I took the morning off from work to do some cooking. While making Kale, Sweet Potato, and Curry soup, I started playing a 60’s rock radio channel. I was alone in the house so I was singing loudly and freely with occasional awkward dance moves. I was immensely enjoying the moment… and then I unexpectedly started crying. I didn’t see this emotion coming at all, yet in retrospect, it makes sense to me.

The 60s were such a volatile time. I was very young then so I don’t remember it well, but I do remember the fear and uncertainty. Anything seemed possible and the unimaginable was ever-present: The Detroit Riots of 1967, the 1968 Democratic Convention that was marked by violent protests and party upheaval, the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-war Movement, and the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Jr. (11/22/63), Malcolm X (2/21/65), Martin Luther King, Jr (4/4/68), and Bobby Kennedy (6/6/68).

In my own home, my father and oldest brother regularly screamed at each other and threatened physical violence. One time it even resulted in my father punching him in the face. To me, it always seemed like it was over unimportant things— like the length of my brother’s hair, and then bigger things like the amount of drugs and alcohol my brother was consuming. As I reflect now, I think my father was scared about the state of world affairs and was wanting respect and safety for his family. I also imagine my brother was scared as he watched his friends head off to fight in the war while he was fighting for his own freedom, autonomy, and choice at home. 

It was terrifying to grow up with so much volatility inside and outside my home, and one of the ways I coped was listening to the amazing musicians of the 60’s. Aretha Franklin; Joan Baez; Bob Dylan; Jimi Hendrix; Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, and so many others – helped me get through it. I don’t think I realized how much a role they played in my life until I started singing their music yesterday because the worry, uncertainty, and sadness they sing about is so reminiscent of how I feel today.

Telling you this is part of my authenticity— part of MY Authentic Voice. 

I feel deeply sad, terrified sometimes, and hurt. I want human dignity, care, and respect for all of us, no matter our political party, gender, race, religious background, or sexuality.

I long for hope that we will find a way to come closer together in caring for each other, here in the USA and beyond. At the same time, I want to remember that how I show up in my sphere of influence matters and plays an important part in creating the very peace I Iong for.

I want to trust that our world leaders have our best interests at heart. I want to trust that the very democratic principles that allow US citizens to vote for their leaders, will see us through. The People have, in fact, spoken, and though the result is incomprehensible to me, it is comprehensible to half the population of this country.

My Authentic Voice is asking me to express my sadness and fear, and to listen deeply to the truth of others. This is the best that I can offer right now, and it is enough for now.

I invite YOU to take this as inspiration and encourage you to #UnlockYourAuthenticVoice

And as always, I send you endless peace, 

CEO, NVC Academy
CNVC Certified Trainer

p.s. If you’d like to receive support for how you can #UnlockYourAuthenticVoice, check out our 2025 Live NVC Courses. We’re running a Super Early-Bird Discount from December 10-24 on most 2025 courses. Keep an eye on your inbox for details! 

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